IMC Group - The World’s Leading Producers of Metal Removal TechnologyISCAR is the largest of the 15 companies comprising IMC (International Metalworking Companies Group). Together, they supply a dynamic comprehensive line of precision carbide metalworking tools. These companies produce a wide range of carbide inserts, carbide endmills, and cutting tools, covering most metal cutting applications. IMC also provides engineering and manufacturing solutions to major industries throughout the world. Many innovative products, designed especially for customer requirements, have made IMC a world leader in major manufacturing industries such as automotive, aerospace, and die & mold production.ISCAR Tooling UpgradesISCAR has introduced a myriad of new products, each one aiming for the 3 P's: higher Productivity, Profitability and Performance.Some of the foremost features of these new products:·        New grades and coatings to enable cutting tools to machine faster, run cooler, resist built-up edge and last longer.·        New geometries to reduce cutting forces, save energy, improve chip control and provide more edges per insert.·        More versatile multifunction tools to support the "complete machining" trend on CNC mill-turn centers.·        Stronger self-clamping designs on stationary tools, enabling them to withstand heavy duty interrupted cuts.
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